Friday, September 30, 2016

Detailed attendance now available for OS and NTAT here!

See them on respective subject page at bottom.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

For Alumni - Positions @ Facebook in Mumbai with Dr. Ramesh Raskar (6 to 12 months, and not related to MIT)

Dr. Ramesh Raskar profile

See here the news about his research

Looking for great people with passion, skills and ideas for impact. These are well-paid positions at FB office in BKC @Mumbai for 6 to 12 months.

New grads, Post-docs, Designers, Medical students/residents/doctors, Agriculture experts, Women's issues, MBAs, Social scientists, Startup-enthusiasts, Faculty, Thought leaders or surprise us.

 All areas welcome: tech (hw, sw, machine learning, crowdsourcing, UX etc), health, bio, agriculture, energy, maps, and more

 We are also looking for TEAMS or STARTUPS that can solve amazing problems. Apply as a team.

 These are highly competitive positions with opportunity to make a serious impact on major problems. Please answer the questions below in detail.

 These projects are NOT affiliated with MIT-efforts in innovation centers in Mumbai, Nasik or Hyderabad.

Apply at